Family Guide to Mental Health

Family Cafés Team

The Project Research Team:

Family Mental Health Cafés are community conversations being held with family members in cities across Ontario to learn more about the family experience.

Dr. Charmaine Williams, PhD Principal investigator
Associate Professor at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Chair in Health and Mental Health

Dr. Charmaine Williams has over 25 years of research and practice experience as a social worker with a focus on mental health and diversity issues. The majority of her practice experience has been in the mental health care system where she worked with individuals and families in inpatient and outpatient services. Dr. Williams is a professor and Chair in Social Work in Health and Mental at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto.

Stuart Clarfield BFA, MBA
Collaborator, Executive Producer, The Mission Media Company Inc.
Stuart Clarfield is the creator and producer of “The Family Guide to Mental Health Recovery” project that collected the experiences and insights of over 40 family members and practitioners to create a global, free documentary resource online for families. He has worked on dramatic and documentary film and television projects with distinguished artists such as Norman Jewison, James Brown, Oscar Peterson, Bruce Cockburn and RUSH. Stuart brings a passionate dedication to expanding mental health resources by helping to share the experiences and wisdom of families.

Emily Mooney, BA (Hons), MSW, RSW
Research Coordinator
Emily Mooney is a researcher, educator, facilitator, and registered social worker with over 25 years of experience in negotiating meaning and communicating ideas clearly. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English from Wellesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts and a Masters of Social Work (MSW) degree from Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (FIFSW) at the University of Toronto.

Joelleann Forbes, BA (Hons), MSW Candidate
Research Coordinator
Joelleann Forbes is a MSW Candidate at Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (FIFSW) at the University of Toronto. She has a diverse range of academic, research and clinical therapeutic experience, and has supported clients with complex mental health concerns in both acute care and community health care settings.

Elizabeth C. Ibarra, BA (Hons), MSW Candidate
Research Assistant
Elizabeth C. Ibarra is an MSW Candidate at Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto specializing in the Indigenous Trauma and Resiliency program. She is currently doing her practicum at Anishnawbe Health Toronto and is experienced in working with Indigenous communities experiencing mental health concerns.

We thank the families and host community organizations that generously choose to share their experiences and insights by participating in our Family Mental Health Cafés!

For more info:

Please email us:

For project news:

Or click on the following project pages:
About the Family Mental Health Cafés Project (click)
Research Study Content Use (click)


The Family Mental Health Cafés Research Study is a  research project of the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto, led by Charmaine C. Williams, PhD. The project has been funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

If you have questions, suggestions or want to connect with the project team, email: or