Family Guide to Mental Health

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stuart C 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #2766

    Don Young

    Hi folks – It’s been a brutal three months since my 28 yr old daughter slipped into the mists of the bipolar world. She has been especially angry and nasty to me, threatening to get a restraining order if I have ANY contact with her at all. I’ve really had a tough time dealing with this situation…and could use some advice on how to cope? I’m sad and confused and having trouble sleeping through the night. Any parents of bipolar young adult kids out there who could offer some perspective? thanks, Don


    Stuart C

    Hello Don,

    I am not sure where you are located, but if you are in Canada or Ontario, CMHA have local offices with family groups where you can meet with other families and parents specifically that have faced similar situations.  One key issue is whether your daughter acknowledges her own situation and is getting support.  They might give her guidance that will help her manage with more time – both in terms of understanding what’s going on, and any medication she may be now taking.  I do think hearing from other parents’ will help. FAME is another organization with offices around the GTA region where you can meet up with other families.  I hope that helps a bit.

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