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Forums Open FORUM – your choice of discussion Can you help me with some natural remedies for OCD?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Gracewalt 7 years ago.

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  • #2595


    Hi, I am suffering from OCD symptoms. One of my friends notified me about this. I am repeating several things. I am washing my hands several times to make it cleaner, washing my clothes three or four times to make it germ-free and checking several times to confirm whether the door is closed or not. Last day, I put the key of an almirah in the drawer. As usual, I went to check whether I have kept it in the right place or not. My friend has told me that a kind of obsessive thought has led me to do so. She suggested me a clinic in Toronto for undergoing obsessive-compulsive disorder therapy( ). Her aunt has undergone this treatment. I am in search of some natural remedies to overcome such obsessive thoughts. I want to try some natural methods before taking the treatment. Then I searched on this. I read that music therapy, meditation and exercises are the best natural remedies for OCD. If anyone has tried these remedies, please share your experiences.

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by  Gracewalt.
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