Family Guide to Mental Health

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stuart C 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    When my son first showed signs of mental illness I worked 24/7 on ways to get him some help. As some time went on, I sunk deeper into depression and anxiety, worrying about my son then worrying about my own mental health and who would take care of him if anything happened to me.

    I realized I needed to shift some focus back to myself and started looking for any resources to help me through this so I could be there for him. I found Fame and a naturopath and started getting back on track, feeling stronger little by little.

    People with mental illness spend most of their time with their family so it only makes sense that the family has the best info and resources to know how to deal and help their mentally ill relative. When I was depressed, it wasn’t good for my son and probably made things worse for him. It takes a family and a village!


    Stuart C

    Did you find caring for yourself was helpful in interacting with your loved one?

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