Family Guide to Mental Health

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stuart C 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Welcome to the “In Honour of…” section of our website where we can recognize and honour family members who make a difference and we want to share with the world.


    Stuart C

    For me, it’s been 10 years since my Dad passed away and almost 20 years since my Mom passed.  I have learned a lot about them since they’ve been gone.  My Dad had to care for my Mom, make a living, take care of a home, and be parent to 4 kids when my Mom suffered from depression for a number of years when I was a kid.  I couldn’t understand just how much stress and worry, anxiety and heart-ache must have been involved, yet he could not quit, likely had no one who understood what he was going through.  I truly have no idea how he did it.  Eventually, he had a heart problem towards the end of it and ended up in hospital recuperating for a few months. It was his only respite in caregiving over a period of many years.  He somehow made it.  I had no idea what the load must have been like for him until almost 30 years later. Sadly, as young person, both my Mom and Dad experienced the mental illness of their own parent.  So I honour them – for what they endured as young people and later as parents.  What a load to carry, but they made it. Thank you for enduring, for us and for yourselves.  When no one really understood what you were going through.  I know a little more, now – decades later.  SGC.

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