Family Guide to Mental Health

info &

mental health conditions

There are many mental health conditions that could be relevant to your loved one’s situation, but far too many to present all of them to you here in detail. To facilitate your next step in finding specific and relevant information for YOUR family’s situation –
we are pleased to introduce you to a sample of specific articles and book excerpts contributed by our site and project contributors. Below you will also find additional links to informational resources.

Most Common Mental Health Issues Facing College Students
by Staff Writers –
This resource is meant to provide college students and young people with quality information on maintaining good mental health and identifying mental health issues.

> Guide to Screen Addictions and Responsible Digital Use
by Holly Niblett –
This resource is meant to provide people with context and insight into their use of personal screen technologies. The time we spend in front of screens has a huge influence on our lives. Take control and ensure your digital devices have a positive impact on your life.

> “When Something’s Wrong; Ideas For Families”
by Staff Writers at Healthy Minds Canada, formerly CPRF
“When Something’s Wrong: Ideas for Families” and a second version, “Ideas for Teachers” are two exhaustively researched and crafted handbooks for parents and teachers, respectively – that simply and clearly help put children’s mental health conditions and behaviour in easily understood terms and actionable strategies for recognition and response.

The books themselves are structured in chapters on key mental health conditions, by type, divided into sections – one for each symptom family (e.g., Mood Disorders) and each disorder (e.g., Depression). A brief description, a list of behavioural characteristics, suggested coping strategies, and some additional resources can be found for each disorder. Getting the right treatment and support for a child is not always easy. These handbooks have been designed to make this road a bit easier to travel.

> When Quietness Came: A Neuroscientist’s Personal Journey with Schizophrenia
by Erin Hawkes
When Quietness Came is the true story of a young woman studying neuroscience who, in her final undergraduate year, has a psychotic break. Her struggles to get well and to pursue her PhD are described in this book.

> Schizophrenia: Medicine’s Mystery, Society’s Shame
by Marvin Ross
Written by a medical writer after his son developed schizophrenia, the book is an explanation of this disease and its treatments in order to provide help and understanding.

> First Episode Psychosis – the road to recovery
by Sabrina Baker RSW & Lisa Martens RSW
This article from CAMH provides an overview on early psychosis intervention and family experience in confronting and managing psychosis and finding a path back to recovery.

> Managing Depression in Older Adults – a daughter’s guide
A recently produced a guide on depression amongst older people one family member wanted to share.

> Understanding and Managing Anxiety – A Guide for university students
This University Student Mental Health guide is prepared for university and college students to be better able to manage and maintain their mental health. This is an excerpt from the guide, used with the permission of Creative Media, UK and University Compare and includes links to research sources and the full article.


The following organizations and resources online can provide you with a next step to specific and targeted information. Hopefully, they will open doors to understanding, or point you to the next step in your quest for relevant information. Also please see our “family resources online” section for an exhaustive list of resources online with targeted information to specific conditions. – The Mood Disorders Association of Ontario provides support
to individuals and families experiencing mental health challenges with a focus on
depression, anxiety and bipolar disorders. – – The Schizophrenia Society of
Canada and of Ontario provide support to individuals and families coping with
schizophrenia. There are also various provincial and international options for the
Schizophrenia Society.