Family Guide to Mental Health

Integrating Your Learning

After working your way through this Educator ’s Guide, we encourage you to reflect on how the lessons from caregiving families has impacted you personally and professionally. What has changed for you after hearing these stories? How will you change your professional practices now and in the future?

Take a moment to answer these questions and those listed below to integrate your learning about caregiving families and mental illness.

What were the main issues that you identified as affecting the wellbeing of families affected by mental illness?

What practice guidelines or theories explain the experiences of these families and their impact?

Where do you see gaps between existing practice models or theories and the needs identified by these family members?

What practices or policies could you see implemented in your role or setting that would support caregiving families more effectively?

What changes will you commit to making as you move forward in your work with caregiving families?

Looking for more Family Caregiving Resources?

Thank you for participating in our Educator’s Guide! Visit ‘The Family Caregiving Project’ page for a wide range of other materials including education, support, and advocacy resources for families, communities, and clinicians.

Inspired to do more?

Consider facilitating a Family Mental Health Café in your community. We have a Facilitators’ Guide and additional materials that walk through every step of the process.

For questions and additional information, please get in touch with us at

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