Family Guide to Mental Health

Sustaining Caregiving Families

Theme 3 – Sustaining Caregiving Families

Family members were very open about ways in which they cope with mental illness as a caregiving family, and how they wish to share these strategies with others in similar circumstances. These range from daily practices and activities, ways they prepare for the future, and how they hold hope for broader system change. 

Family members share their thoughts about maintaining and promoting hope for caregiving families living with mental illness, and signals of change they are seeing that encourages this.

Family members discuss the vital ways in which they prioritize caring for themselves and promote healthier ways of coping with mental illness.

Family members and practitioners share their thoughts about why whole families must be included in the treatment and support process of a person diagnosed with mental illness.

Supplemental Materials for Educators: Click here to download a PDF of key family caregiving concepts and readings related to this theme.