Family Guide to Mental Health

  • When my son first showed signs of mental illness I worked 24/7 on ways to get him some help. As some time went on, I sunk deeper into depression and anxiety, worrying about my son then worrying about my own mental health and who would take care of him if anything happened to me.

    I realized I needed to shift some focus back to myself and started…[Read more]

    • When you started to get back on track yourself, did it positively have an effect on your family member as well?  

    • Reply: Yes, when I got help for myself and felt calmer, it helped my relationship with my son.  I had a better approach with him and didn’t feel so alone and desperate. This made him calmer and more secure. I believe the help for families should be long term to stay on track and not fall back into the desperate mode. 
      ED:  Thanks so much for shar…[Read more]

  • bibbles became a registered member 9 years, 11 months ago